
Archive(*args, **kwargs) A location where Collections of Sources are stored.
AudioFile(*args, **kwargs) A manifestation of a Source as an digital audio file.
CollectionOfSources(*args, **kwargs) A reference to one or more Sources grouped together.
Contribution(*args, **kwargs) Relate a person that made a Contribution to a Musical Work/Section/Part.
CustomBaseModel(*args, **kwargs) Base model that containing fields and functionality used in all models.
Encoder(*args, **kwargs) A User or Software that encoded a file using a specific workflow.
EncoderValidatorBaseModel(*args, **kwargs) A abstract base model for Encoder and Validator.
ExperimentalStudy(*args, **kwargs) An empirical study based on a particular Research Corpus.
ExtractedFeature(*args, **kwargs) Content-based data extracted from a SymbolicMusicFile.
FeatureType(*args, **kwargs) A category of Feature of which ExtractedFeatures are instances.
File(*args, **kwargs) Base abstract model with fields common to all file types.
GenreAsInStyle(*args, **kwargs) Represents a musical genre as in style (Classical, Blues, Pop)
GenreAsInType(*args, **kwargs) Represents a musical genre as in type of work (Motet, Symphony, Mass)
GeographicArea(*args, **kwargs) A geographic area that can be part of another area
ImageFile(*args, **kwargs) A manifestation of a SourceInstantiation as an digital image file.
Institution(*args, **kwargs) A real world institution (usually academic).
Instrument(*args, **kwargs) An instrument or voice
MusicalWork(*args, **kwargs) A complete work of music
Part(*args, **kwargs) A single voice or instrument in a Section of a Musical Work.
Person(*args, **kwargs) A real world person that contributed to a MusicalWork/Section/Part
ResearchCorpus(*args, **kwargs) A collection of files that can be used in specific empirical studies.
Section(*args, **kwargs) A component of a Musical Work e.g.
Software(*args, **kwargs) A Software that encoded, validated or extracted features from a file.
Source(*args, **kwargs) A document containing the music defining a MusicalWork or a set of Sections or a set of Parts.
SourceInstantiation(*args, **kwargs) An abstract entity defined by the music specified by a particular Source, which corresponds to a particular instantiation of all or part of a Musical Work, Sections or Parts.
SymbolicMusicFile(*args, **kwargs) A manifestation of a SourceInstantiation as an digital symbolic music file.
TextFile(*args, **kwargs) A manifestation of a SourceInstantiation as an digital text file.
Validator(*args, **kwargs) A User or Software that validated a file using a specific workflow.

Abstract Classes

class database.models.custom_base_model.CustomBaseModel(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.db.models.base.Model

Base model that containing fields and functionality used in all models.


models.DateTimeField – The date this entry was created


models.DateTimeField – The date this entry was updated


Hook for doing any extra model-wide validation after clean() has been called on every field by self.clean_fields. Any ValidationError raised by this method will not be associated with a particular field; it will have a special-case association with the field defined by NON_FIELD_ERRORS.


Clean all fields and raise a ValidationError containing a dict of all validation errors if any occur.

full_clean(exclude=None, validate_unique=True)

Call clean_fields(), clean(), and validate_unique() on the model. Raise a ValidationError for any errors that occur.

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.


Return a set containing names of deferred fields for this instance.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.

refresh_from_db(using=None, fields=None)

Reload field values from the database.

By default, the reloading happens from the database this instance was loaded from, or by the read router if this instance wasn’t loaded from any database. The using parameter will override the default.

Fields can be used to specify which fields to reload. The fields should be an iterable of field attnames. If fields is None, then all non-deferred fields are reloaded.

When accessing deferred fields of an instance, the deferred loading of the field will call this method.

save(*args, **kwargs) → None

Ensure that the full_clean() method is called before saving.

save_base(raw=False, force_insert=False, force_update=False, using=None, update_fields=None)

Handle the parts of saving which should be done only once per save, yet need to be done in raw saves, too. This includes some sanity checks and signal sending.

The ‘raw’ argument is telling save_base not to save any parent models and not to do any changes to the values before save. This is used by fixture loading.


Return the value of the field name for this instance. If the field is a foreign key, return the id value instead of the object. If there’s no Field object with this name on the model, return the model attribute’s value.

Used to serialize a field’s value (in the serializer, or form output, for example). Normally, you would just access the attribute directly and not use this method.


Check unique constraints on the model and raise ValidationError if any failed.


Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.

class database.models.encoder_validator_base_model.EncoderValidatorBaseModel(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.custom_base_model.CustomBaseModel

A abstract base model for Encoder and Validator.


models.TextField – A description of the workflow that was used to encode a File


models.FileField – A file that describes or defines the workflow that was used to encode or validate a File in the database


models.TextField – Any extra notes or remarks


models.ForeignKey – The User that encoded a File


models.ForeignKey – The User that encoded a File

clean() → None

Enforce the integrity of the relationship to Software or User

Ensure that one and only one of Software or User is not null


Clean all fields and raise a ValidationError containing a dict of all validation errors if any occur.

full_clean(exclude=None, validate_unique=True)

Call clean_fields(), clean(), and validate_unique() on the model. Raise a ValidationError for any errors that occur.

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.


Return a set containing names of deferred fields for this instance.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.

refresh_from_db(using=None, fields=None)

Reload field values from the database.

By default, the reloading happens from the database this instance was loaded from, or by the read router if this instance wasn’t loaded from any database. The using parameter will override the default.

Fields can be used to specify which fields to reload. The fields should be an iterable of field attnames. If fields is None, then all non-deferred fields are reloaded.

When accessing deferred fields of an instance, the deferred loading of the field will call this method.

save(*args, **kwargs) → None

Ensure that the full_clean() method is called before saving.

save_base(raw=False, force_insert=False, force_update=False, using=None, update_fields=None)

Handle the parts of saving which should be done only once per save, yet need to be done in raw saves, too. This includes some sanity checks and signal sending.

The ‘raw’ argument is telling save_base not to save any parent models and not to do any changes to the values before save. This is used by fixture loading.


Return the value of the field name for this instance. If the field is a foreign key, return the id value instead of the object. If there’s no Field object with this name on the model, return the model attribute’s value.

Used to serialize a field’s value (in the serializer, or form output, for example). Normally, you would just access the attribute directly and not use this method.


Check unique constraints on the model and raise ValidationError if any failed.


Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.

class database.models.file.File(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.custom_base_model.CustomBaseModel

Base abstract model with fields common to all file types.

Most if not all fields should be extracted automatically


models.CharField – The format of this File


models.PositiveIntegerField – The size of the this File in bytes


models.CharField – The version of the encoding schema of this File


models.DateTimeField – The date this File was encoded


models.ForeignKey – A reference to the Encoder of this File


models.ForeignKey – A reference to the Validator of this File


django.contrib.postgres.fields.JSONField – Any extra metadata associated with this File


None – Subclasses must override


models.FileField – The path to the actual file stored on disk


Hook for doing any extra model-wide validation after clean() has been called on every field by self.clean_fields. Any ValidationError raised by this method will not be associated with a particular field; it will have a special-case association with the field defined by NON_FIELD_ERRORS.


Clean all fields and raise a ValidationError containing a dict of all validation errors if any occur.

full_clean(exclude=None, validate_unique=True)

Call clean_fields(), clean(), and validate_unique() on the model. Raise a ValidationError for any errors that occur.

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.


Return a set containing names of deferred fields for this instance.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.

refresh_from_db(using=None, fields=None)

Reload field values from the database.

By default, the reloading happens from the database this instance was loaded from, or by the read router if this instance wasn’t loaded from any database. The using parameter will override the default.

Fields can be used to specify which fields to reload. The fields should be an iterable of field attnames. If fields is None, then all non-deferred fields are reloaded.

When accessing deferred fields of an instance, the deferred loading of the field will call this method.

save(*args, **kwargs) → None

Ensure that the full_clean() method is called before saving.

save_base(raw=False, force_insert=False, force_update=False, using=None, update_fields=None)

Handle the parts of saving which should be done only once per save, yet need to be done in raw saves, too. This includes some sanity checks and signal sending.

The ‘raw’ argument is telling save_base not to save any parent models and not to do any changes to the values before save. This is used by fixture loading.


Return the value of the field name for this instance. If the field is a foreign key, return the id value instead of the object. If there’s no Field object with this name on the model, return the model attribute’s value.

Used to serialize a field’s value (in the serializer, or form output, for example). Normally, you would just access the attribute directly and not use this method.


Check unique constraints on the model and raise ValidationError if any failed.


Return the certainty of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:The certainty of attribution of the MusicalWork related to this File
Return type:bool

Return the composers of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:A list of strings representing the names of the composers
Return type:list

Return the dates of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:A list of date tuples representing the date ranges of composition
Return type:list

Return the places of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:A QuerySet of GeographicAreas where the Musical Work related to this File was composed
Return type:QuerySet

Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.


Return the Genres (style) of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:The Genres (style) of the MusicalWork related to this File
Return type:QuerySet

Return the Genres (type) of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:The Genres (type) of the MusicalWork related to this File
Return type:QuerySet

Return the Instruments of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:A QuerySet of all the Instruments of the MusicalWork related to this File
Return type:QuerySet

Return the MusicalWork the Source of this File is related to

Returns:The MusicalWork the Source of this File is related to
Return type:MusicalWork

Return the Parts manifested in full by the Source of this File

Returns:A QuerySet of all the Parts the Source of this File is related to
Return type:QuerySet

Return the _sacred_or_secular of the MusicalWork related to this file

Returns:The _sacred_or_secular of the MusicalWork related to this file
Return type:str

Return the Sections manifested in full by the Source of this File

Returns:A QuerySet of all the Sections the Source of this File is related to
Return type:QuerySet

Return the Source of this File

Returns:The Source of this File
Return type:Source

Concrete Classes

class database.models.Archive(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.custom_base_model.CustomBaseModel

A location where Collections of Sources are stored.

e.g: A database or a library.

Can belong to an Institution.


models.CharField – The name of the archive.


models.ManyToManyField – References to CollectionsOfSources contained by this Archive.


models.ForeignKey – Reference to the Institution this Archive is part of.

See also

database.models.CustomBaseModel, database.models.CollectionsOfSources, database.models.Institution

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.

class database.models.AudioFile(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.file.File

A manifestation of a Source as an digital audio file.

Manifests one and only one Source.

Generated by an Encoder and validated against a SourceInstantiation by a Validator.


models.CharField – The format of this AudioFile


models.PositiveIntegerField – The size of the this AudioFile in bytes


models.CharField – The version of the encoding schema of this AudioFile


models.DateTimeField – The date this AudioFile was encoded


models.ForeignKey – A reference to the Encoder of this AudioFile


models.ForeignKey – A reference to the Validator of this AudioFile


django.contrib.postgres.fields.JSONField – Any extra metadata associated with this AudioFile


models.PositiveIntegerField – The length of this AudioFile in seconds


models.DateField – The date this AudioFile was recorded


ForeignKey – The SourceInstantiation manifested by this AudioFile


models.FileField – The path to the actual file stored on disk

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Return the certainty of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:The certainty of attribution of the MusicalWork related to this File
Return type:bool

Return the composers of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:A list of strings representing the names of the composers
Return type:list

Return the dates of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:A list of date tuples representing the date ranges of composition
Return type:list

Return the places of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:A QuerySet of GeographicAreas where the Musical Work related to this File was composed
Return type:QuerySet

Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.


Return the Genres (style) of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:The Genres (style) of the MusicalWork related to this File
Return type:QuerySet

Return the Genres (type) of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:The Genres (type) of the MusicalWork related to this File
Return type:QuerySet

Return the Instruments of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:A QuerySet of all the Instruments of the MusicalWork related to this File
Return type:QuerySet

Return the MusicalWork the Source of this File is related to

Returns:The MusicalWork the Source of this File is related to
Return type:MusicalWork

Return the Parts manifested in full by the Source of this File

Returns:A QuerySet of all the Parts the Source of this File is related to
Return type:QuerySet

Return the _sacred_or_secular of the MusicalWork related to this file

Returns:The _sacred_or_secular of the MusicalWork related to this file
Return type:str

Return the Sections manifested in full by the Source of this File

Returns:A QuerySet of all the Sections the Source of this File is related to
Return type:QuerySet

Return the Source of this File

Returns:The Source of this File
Return type:Source
class database.models.CollectionOfSources(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.custom_base_model.CustomBaseModel

A reference to one or more Sources grouped together.

Examples: a book of masses, an album of songs.


models.CharField – The title of this Collection of Sources.


models.TextField – Any editorial notes the user deems necessary.


postgres.fields.DateRangeField – The date of this Collection of Sources.


models.ForeignKey – Reference to the Person that published this Collection of Sources.


models.Institution – Reference to the Institution that published this Collection of Sources.


models.URLField – A URL that identifies this Collection of Sources.


models.ManyToManyField – References to the Archives this Collection of Sources belongs to.


models.ManyToOneRel – References to the Sources that are part of this Collection of Sources.

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.

class database.models.Contribution(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.custom_base_model.CustomBaseModel

Relate a person that made a Contribution to a Musical Work/Section/Part.

The Contribution Model provides a many-to-many relationship with attributes between one of Musical Work, Section or Part and Person.

Each Contribution relates a Person to exclusively one of MusicalWork, Section or Part.

A Musical Work/Section/Part can have many Contributions, since each of piece of music can have many contributors with different roles i.e. a person composed a piece, two others arranged it, another wrote the lyrics.

Contribution.person : models.ForeignKey
Reference to a Person that made this Contribution to a Musical Work, Section or Part
Contribution.certainty_of_attribution : models.BooleanField
Whether it is certain if this Person made this Contribution
ContributeTo.role : models.CharField
The role that this Person had in contributing. Can be one of: Composer, Arranger, Author of Text, Transcriber, Improviser, Performer : postgres.fields.DateRangeField
The date in which this Contribution happened
Contribution.location : models.ForeignKey
Reference to the GeographicArea in which this Contribution happened
Contribution.contributed_to_part : models.ForeignKey
Reference to the Part to which this Contribution was made
Contribution.contributed_to_section : models.ForeignKey
Reference to the Section to which this Contribution was made
Contribution.contributed_to_work : models.ForeignKey
Reference to the MusicalWork to which this Contribution was made
get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.

class database.models.CustomBaseModel(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: django.db.models.base.Model

Base model that containing fields and functionality used in all models.


models.DateTimeField – The date this entry was created


models.DateTimeField – The date this entry was updated

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.

class database.models.Encoder(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.encoder_validator_base_model.EncoderValidatorBaseModel

A User or Software that encoded a file using a specific workflow.


models.TextField – A description of the workflow that was used to encode a File


models.FileField – A file that describes or defines the workflow that was used to encode or validate a File in the database


models.TextField – Any extra notes or remarks


models.ForeignKey – The User that encoded a File


models.ForeignKey – The User that encoded a File


models.ManyToOneRel – References to AudioFiles that were encoded by this Encoder


models.ManyToOneRel – References to TextFiles that were encoded by this Encoder


models.ManyToOneRel – References to ImageFiles that were encoded by this Encoder


models.ManyToOneRel – References to SymbolicMusicFiles that were encoded by this Encoder

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.

class database.models.EncoderValidatorBaseModel(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.custom_base_model.CustomBaseModel

A abstract base model for Encoder and Validator.


models.TextField – A description of the workflow that was used to encode a File


models.FileField – A file that describes or defines the workflow that was used to encode or validate a File in the database


models.TextField – Any extra notes or remarks


models.ForeignKey – The User that encoded a File


models.ForeignKey – The User that encoded a File

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.

class database.models.ExperimentalStudy(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.custom_base_model.CustomBaseModel

An empirical study based on a particular Research Corpus.


models.CharField – The title of the Experimental Study


models.BooleanField – Whether or not the Experimental Study was published


models.DateField – The date in which the Experimental Study was published or performed

models.URLField – A link to the a paper of the Experimental Study


models.ForeignKey – A reference to the Research Corpus upon which the Experimental Study is based


models.ForeignKey – A reference to the Institution related to this ExperimentalStudy


models.CharField – The authors of this Experimental Study

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.

class database.models.ExtractedFeature(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.custom_base_model.CustomBaseModel

Content-based data extracted from a SymbolicMusicFile.

Extracted with a Software. Must be a feature of one and only one SymbolicMusicFile. Must be a instance of a FeatureType.


models.ForeignKey – A reference to a FeatureType of object that is the type of this ExtractedFeature


ArrayField(models.FloatField) – An array of the value(s) of this ExtractedFeature. One dimensional have values with an 1-Dimensional array


models.ForeignKey – A reference to the Software that was used to extract this ExtractedFeature


models.ForeignKey – A reference to to the SymbolicMusicFile from which this ExtractedFeature was extracted.

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Get the code of this ExtractedFeature


Get the description of this ExtractedFeature


Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.


Get the group of this ExtractedFeature


Check if this ExtractedFeature is a histogram

A ExtractedFeatures are histograms if their dimensions are more than 1.


Get the name of this ExtractedFeature

class database.models.FeatureType(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.custom_base_model.CustomBaseModel

A category of Feature of which ExtractedFeatures are instances.


models.CharField – The name of the FeatureType


models.CharField – The jSymbolic code of the FeatureType


models.TextField – A description of the FeatureType


models.NullBooleanField – Whether a feature can be extracted from sequential windows of a data instance (e.g. individual measures, sections, etc); a value of true means that it can, a value of false means that only one feature value may be extracted per instance (i.e. per symbolic feature file)


models.PositiveIntegerField – The number of dimensions of the FeatureType


models.FloatField – The minimum value of this FeatureType across all files that have this feature


models.FloatField – The maximum value of this FeatureType across all files that have this feature


models.ManyToOneRel – The ExtractedFeature objects that are instances of this FeatureType

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.

max_and_min() → None

Update the max and min values of this FeatureType


Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.


Get the human readable group from the code of this FeatureType

class database.models.File(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.custom_base_model.CustomBaseModel

Base abstract model with fields common to all file types.

Most if not all fields should be extracted automatically


models.CharField – The format of this File


models.PositiveIntegerField – The size of the this File in bytes


models.CharField – The version of the encoding schema of this File


models.DateTimeField – The date this File was encoded


models.ForeignKey – A reference to the Encoder of this File


models.ForeignKey – A reference to the Validator of this File


django.contrib.postgres.fields.JSONField – Any extra metadata associated with this File


None – Subclasses must override


models.FileField – The path to the actual file stored on disk

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Return the certainty of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:The certainty of attribution of the MusicalWork related to this File
Return type:bool

Return the composers of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:A list of strings representing the names of the composers
Return type:list

Return the dates of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:A list of date tuples representing the date ranges of composition
Return type:list

Return the places of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:A QuerySet of GeographicAreas where the Musical Work related to this File was composed
Return type:QuerySet

Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.


Return the Genres (style) of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:The Genres (style) of the MusicalWork related to this File
Return type:QuerySet

Return the Genres (type) of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:The Genres (type) of the MusicalWork related to this File
Return type:QuerySet

Return the Instruments of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:A QuerySet of all the Instruments of the MusicalWork related to this File
Return type:QuerySet

Return the MusicalWork the Source of this File is related to

Returns:The MusicalWork the Source of this File is related to
Return type:MusicalWork

Return the Parts manifested in full by the Source of this File

Returns:A QuerySet of all the Parts the Source of this File is related to
Return type:QuerySet

Return the _sacred_or_secular of the MusicalWork related to this file

Returns:The _sacred_or_secular of the MusicalWork related to this file
Return type:str

Return the Sections manifested in full by the Source of this File

Returns:A QuerySet of all the Sections the Source of this File is related to
Return type:QuerySet

Return the Source of this File

Returns:The Source of this File
Return type:Source
class database.models.GenreAsInStyle(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.custom_base_model.CustomBaseModel

Represents a musical genre as in style (Classical, Blues, Pop)


models.CharField – The name of this style


models.ManyToManyRel – References to the MusicalWorks of this style

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.

class database.models.GenreAsInType(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.custom_base_model.CustomBaseModel

Represents a musical genre as in type of work (Motet, Symphony, Mass)


models.CharField – The name of this type of work


models.ManyToManyRel – References to the MusicalWorks of this type

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.

class database.models.GeographicArea(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.custom_base_model.CustomBaseModel

A geographic area that can be part of another area


The name of this GeographicArea


models.ForeignKey – The parent area of this GeographicArea (e.g. Montreal has Quebec as parent area)


model.ManyToOneRel – References to the child areas of this GeographicArea


models.ManyToOneRel – References to Persons that were born in this GeographicArea


models.ManyToOneRel – References to Persons that died in this GeographicArea


models.ManyToOneRel – References to the Contributions made in this GeographicArea


models.ManyToOneRel – References to the Institutions located in this GeographicArea

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.


Get the MusicalWorks that have contributions made in this area.


Get the Parts that have contributions made in this area.


Get the Sections that have contributions made in this area.

class database.models.ImageFile(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.file.File

A manifestation of a SourceInstantiation as an digital image file.

Manifests one and only one SourceInstantiation.

Generated by an Encoder and validated against a SourceInstantiation by a Validator.


models.CharField – The format of this ImageFile


models.PositiveIntegerField – The size of the this ImageFile in bytes


models.CharField – The version of the encoding schema of this ImageFile


models.DateTimeField – The date this ImageFile was encoded


models.ForeignKey – A reference to the Encoder of this ImageFile


models.ForeignKey – A reference to the Validator of this ImageFile


django.contrib.postgres.fields.JSONField – Any extra metadata associated with this ImageFile


ForeignKey – The SourceInstantiation manifested by this ImageFile


models.FileField – The path to the actual files stored on disk

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Return the certainty of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:The certainty of attribution of the MusicalWork related to this File
Return type:bool

Return the composers of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:A list of strings representing the names of the composers
Return type:list

Return the dates of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:A list of date tuples representing the date ranges of composition
Return type:list

Return the places of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:A QuerySet of GeographicAreas where the Musical Work related to this File was composed
Return type:QuerySet

Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.


Return the Genres (style) of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:The Genres (style) of the MusicalWork related to this File
Return type:QuerySet

Return the Genres (type) of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:The Genres (type) of the MusicalWork related to this File
Return type:QuerySet

Return the Instruments of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:A QuerySet of all the Instruments of the MusicalWork related to this File
Return type:QuerySet

Return the MusicalWork the Source of this File is related to

Returns:The MusicalWork the Source of this File is related to
Return type:MusicalWork

Gets the number of images, which is equal to the number of pages


Return the Parts manifested in full by the Source of this File

Returns:A QuerySet of all the Parts the Source of this File is related to
Return type:QuerySet

Return the _sacred_or_secular of the MusicalWork related to this file

Returns:The _sacred_or_secular of the MusicalWork related to this file
Return type:str

Return the Sections manifested in full by the Source of this File

Returns:A QuerySet of all the Sections the Source of this File is related to
Return type:QuerySet

Return the Source of this File

Returns:The Source of this File
Return type:Source
class database.models.Institution(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.custom_base_model.CustomBaseModel

A real world institution (usually academic).


models.CharField – The name of this Institution


models.ForeignKey – Reference to the GeographicArea where this Institution is located


models.URLField – A link to the website of this Institution


models.ManyToOneRel – References to the Archives located at this Institution


models.ManyToOneRel – References to the CollectionsOfSources published by this Institution


models.ManyToOneRel – References to the ExperimentalStudies related to this Institution

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.

class database.models.Instrument(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.custom_base_model.CustomBaseModel

An instrument or voice

A part is written for an instrument or voice, and a symbolic music file can specify which instrument or voices it contains


models.CharField – The name of this Instrument


models.ManyToOneRel – References to Parts that use this Instrument


models.ManyToManyRel – References to SymbolicMusicFiles that specify this Instrument

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.


Get all the MusicalWorks that use this Instrument.


Get all the Sections that use this Instrument.

class database.models.MusicalWork(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.mixins.file_and_source_info_mixin.FileAndSourceInfoMixin, database.mixins.contribution_info_mixin.ContributionInfoMixin, database.models.custom_base_model.CustomBaseModel

A complete work of music

A purely abstract entity that can manifest in differing versions. Divided into Sections. Must have at least one Section. In the case that a MusicalWork is not formally divided into Sections, it has one trivial Section that represents the whole work.


ArrayField – All the titles commonly attributed to this MusicalWork.


models.ManyToManyField – MusicalWorks that are related to ths MusicalWork


models.ManyToManyField – References to GenreAsInStyle objects that are the style(s) of this MusicalWork


models.ManyToManyField – References to GenreAsInType objects that are the type(s) of this MusicalWork


models.NullBooleanField – Private property representing whether the MusicalWork is sacred, secular or none of those


models.URLField – An URL linking to an authority control description of this MusicalWork


models.IntegerField – The identifier of this MusicalWork in the authority control


models.ManyToOneRel – References to Contributions objects that describe the contributions (and thus the contributors) of this MusicalWork


models.ManyToOneRel – References to the Sections that are part of this MusicalWork


models.ManyToOneRel – References to Sources that instantiate this MusicalWork

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Get the Persons that are contributed as Arrangers.

Returns:arrangers – A QuerySet of Person objects
Return type:QuerySet

Get the dates of Contributions made by Arrangers.

Returns:dates – A list of date ranges represented as strings
Return type:List[str]

Get the locations of Contributions made by Arrangers.

Returns:locations – A QuerySet of GeographicLocation objects
Return type:QuerySet

Gets all the Symbolic Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Gets the formats of all the Image Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Get the Persons that are contributed as Authors of Text.

Returns:authors – A QuerySet of Person objects
Return type:QuerySet

Get the dates of Contributions made by Authors of Text.

Returns:dates – A list of date ranges represented as strings
Return type:List[str]

Get the locations of Contributions made by Authors of Text.

Returns:locations – A QuerySet of GeographicLocation objects
Return type:QuerySet

Get the certainty of all Contributions. True only if all are True.


Gets all the Collections of Sources related to this Work/Section/Part


Get the Persons that are contributed as Composers.

Returns:composers – A QuerySet of Person objects
Return type:QuerySet

Get the dates of Contributions made by Composers.

Returns:dates – A list of date ranges represented as strings
Return type:List[str]

Get the locations of Contributions made by Composers.

Returns:locations – A QuerySet of GeographicLocation objects
Return type:QuerySet

Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.


Gets all the Encoders for files related to this Work/Section/Part


Gets all the Features extracted from files related to this Work/Section/Part


Gets all the Image Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Gets the formats of all the Image Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Get the Persons that are contributed as Improvisers.

Returns:improvisers – A QuerySet of Person objects
Return type:QuerySet

Get the dates of Contributions made by Improvisers.

Returns:dates – A list of date ranges represented as strings
Return type:List[str]

Get the locations of Contributions made by Improvisers.

Returns:locations – A QuerySet of GeographicLocation objects
Return type:QuerySet

Get all the Instruments used in this Musical Work.


Gets all the languages of the Sources and Text Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Get all the Parts related to this Musical Work.


Get the Persons that are contributed as Performers.

Returns:performers – A QuerySet of Person objects
Return type:QuerySet

Get the dates of Contributions made by Performers.

Returns:dates – A list of date ranges represented as strings
Return type:List[str]

Get the locations of Contributions made by Performers.

Returns:locations – A QuerySet of GeographicLocation objects
Return type:QuerySet

Get the sacred_or_secular value as a human friendly string.


Gets all the Symbolic Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Gets the formats of all the Symbolic Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Gets all the Symbolic Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Gets the formats of all the Image Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Get the Persons that are contributed as Transcribers.

Returns:transcribers – A QuerySet of Person objects
Return type:QuerySet

Get the dates of Contributions made by Transcribers.

Returns:dates – A list of date ranges represented as strings
Return type:List[str]

Get the locations of Contributions made by Transcribers.

Returns:locations – A QuerySet of GeographicLocation objects
Return type:QuerySet

Gets all the Validators for files related to this Work/Section/Part

class database.models.Part(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.mixins.file_and_source_info_mixin.FileAndSourceInfoMixin, database.mixins.contribution_info_mixin.ContributionInfoMixin, database.models.custom_base_model.CustomBaseModel

A single voice or instrument in a Section of a Musical Work.

Purely abstract entity that can manifest in differing versions. Must belong to one and only one Section.


models.ForeignKey – Reference to the Instrument for which this Part was written


models.ForeignKey – Reference to the Section to which this Part belongs


models.ManyToOneRel – References to Sources that instantiate this Part


models.ManyToOneRel – References to Contributions objects that describe the contributions (and thus the contributors) of this Part

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Get the MusicalWork to which this Part belongs.


Get the Persons that are contributed as Arrangers.

Returns:arrangers – A QuerySet of Person objects
Return type:QuerySet

Get the dates of Contributions made by Arrangers.

Returns:dates – A list of date ranges represented as strings
Return type:List[str]

Get the locations of Contributions made by Arrangers.

Returns:locations – A QuerySet of GeographicLocation objects
Return type:QuerySet

Gets all the Symbolic Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Gets the formats of all the Image Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Get the Persons that are contributed as Authors of Text.

Returns:authors – A QuerySet of Person objects
Return type:QuerySet

Get the dates of Contributions made by Authors of Text.

Returns:dates – A list of date ranges represented as strings
Return type:List[str]

Get the locations of Contributions made by Authors of Text.

Returns:locations – A QuerySet of GeographicLocation objects
Return type:QuerySet

Get the certainty of all Contributions. True only if all are True.


Gets all the Collections of Sources related to this Work/Section/Part


Get the Persons that are contributed as Composers.

Returns:composers – A QuerySet of Person objects
Return type:QuerySet

Get the dates of Contributions made by Composers.

Returns:dates – A list of date ranges represented as strings
Return type:List[str]

Get the locations of Contributions made by Composers.

Returns:locations – A QuerySet of GeographicLocation objects
Return type:QuerySet

Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.


Gets all the Encoders for files related to this Work/Section/Part


Gets all the Features extracted from files related to this Work/Section/Part


Gets all the Image Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Gets the formats of all the Image Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Get the Persons that are contributed as Improvisers.

Returns:improvisers – A QuerySet of Person objects
Return type:QuerySet

Get the dates of Contributions made by Improvisers.

Returns:dates – A list of date ranges represented as strings
Return type:List[str]

Get the locations of Contributions made by Improvisers.

Returns:locations – A QuerySet of GeographicLocation objects
Return type:QuerySet

Gets all the languages of the Sources and Text Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Get the Persons that are contributed as Performers.

Returns:performers – A QuerySet of Person objects
Return type:QuerySet

Get the dates of Contributions made by Performers.

Returns:dates – A list of date ranges represented as strings
Return type:List[str]

Get the locations of Contributions made by Performers.

Returns:locations – A QuerySet of GeographicLocation objects
Return type:QuerySet

Gets all the Symbolic Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Gets the formats of all the Symbolic Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Gets all the Symbolic Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Gets the formats of all the Image Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Get the Persons that are contributed as Transcribers.

Returns:transcribers – A QuerySet of Person objects
Return type:QuerySet

Get the dates of Contributions made by Transcribers.

Returns:dates – A list of date ranges represented as strings
Return type:List[str]

Get the locations of Contributions made by Transcribers.

Returns:locations – A QuerySet of GeographicLocation objects
Return type:QuerySet

Gets all the Validators for files related to this Work/Section/Part

class database.models.Person(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.custom_base_model.CustomBaseModel

A real world person that contributed to a MusicalWork/Section/Part


models.CharField – The given name of this Person


models.CharField – The surname of this Person


django.contrib.postgres.fields.DateRangeField – The possible range of dates of the birth of this Person If the date is know, then the beginning and end of range will be equal


django.contrib.postgres.fields.DateRangeField – The possible range of dates of the death of this Person If the date is know, then the beginning and end of range will be equal


models.ForeignKey – Reference to the GeographicArea where this Person was born


models.ForeignKey – Reference to the GeographicArea where this Person died


models.URLField – An URL linking to an authority control description of this Person


models.IntegerField – The identifier of this Person in the authority control


models.ManyToOneRel – References to the Contributions made by this Person


models.ManyToOneRel – References to the CollectionsOfSources published by this Person

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Get a print friendly version of range_date_birth


Get a print friendly version of range_date_death


Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.


Get print friendly version of this Person’s name


Get the Parts arranged by this Person


Get the Parts authored by this Person


Get the Parts composed by this Person


Get the Parts improvised by this Person


Get the Parts performed by this Person


Get the Parts transcribed by this Person


Get the Sections arranged by this Person


Get the Sections authored by this Person


Get the Sections arranged by this Person


Get the Sections improvised by this Person


Get the Sections performed by this Person


Get the Sections transcribed by this Person


Get the MusicalWorks arranged by this Person


Get the MusicalWorks authored by this Person


Get the MusicalWorks composed by this Person


Get the MusicalWorks improvised by this Person


Get the MusicalWorks performed by this Person


Get the MusicalWorks transcribed by this Person

class database.models.ResearchCorpus(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.custom_base_model.CustomBaseModel

A collection of files that can be used in specific empirical studies.


models.CharField – The title of this ResearchCorpus


models.ManyToManyField – References to ExtractedFeatures used by this ResearchCorpus


models.CharField – The creators of this ResearchCorpus


models.CharField – The curators of this ResearchCorpus


models.ManyToManyField – References to the SymbolicMusicFiles contained in this ResearchCorpus


models.ManyToOneRel – References to the studies that use this ResearchCorpus

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.

class database.models.Section(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.mixins.file_and_source_info_mixin.FileAndSourceInfoMixin, database.mixins.contribution_info_mixin.ContributionInfoMixin, database.models.custom_base_model.CustomBaseModel

A component of a Musical Work e.g. an Aria in an Opera

Can alternatively be a Musical Work in its entirety, in which case the Musical Work has a single trivial Section that represents the whole work. A purely abstract entity that can be manifested in differing versions. Divided into one or more Parts. A Section can be divided into more Sections. Must have at least one part.


models.CharField – The title of this section


models.ForeignKey – Reference to the MusicalWork of which this Section is part. A Section must reference a MusicalWork even if it has parent Sections.


models.PositiveIntegerField – A number representing the position of this section within a MusicalWork


models.ManyToManyField – Sections that contain this Section.


models.ManyToManyField – Sections that are sub-Sections of this Section


models.ManyToManyField – Sections that are related to this Section (i.e. derived from it, or the same music but used in a different MusicalWork)

models.ManyToOne – The Parts that belong to this Section


models.ManyToMany – The Sources that manifest this Section


models.ManyToOne – The Contributions of this Section

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Get the Persons that are contributed as Arrangers.

Returns:arrangers – A QuerySet of Person objects
Return type:QuerySet

Get the dates of Contributions made by Arrangers.

Returns:dates – A list of date ranges represented as strings
Return type:List[str]

Get the locations of Contributions made by Arrangers.

Returns:locations – A QuerySet of GeographicLocation objects
Return type:QuerySet

Gets all the Symbolic Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Gets the formats of all the Image Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Get the Persons that are contributed as Authors of Text.

Returns:authors – A QuerySet of Person objects
Return type:QuerySet

Get the dates of Contributions made by Authors of Text.

Returns:dates – A list of date ranges represented as strings
Return type:List[str]

Get the locations of Contributions made by Authors of Text.

Returns:locations – A QuerySet of GeographicLocation objects
Return type:QuerySet

Get the certainty of all Contributions. True only if all are True.


Gets all the Collections of Sources related to this Work/Section/Part


Get the Persons that are contributed as Composers.

Returns:composers – A QuerySet of Person objects
Return type:QuerySet

Get the dates of Contributions made by Composers.

Returns:dates – A list of date ranges represented as strings
Return type:List[str]

Get the locations of Contributions made by Composers.

Returns:locations – A QuerySet of GeographicLocation objects
Return type:QuerySet

Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.


Gets all the Encoders for files related to this Work/Section/Part


Gets all the Features extracted from files related to this Work/Section/Part


Gets all the Image Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Gets the formats of all the Image Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Get the Persons that are contributed as Improvisers.

Returns:improvisers – A QuerySet of Person objects
Return type:QuerySet

Get the dates of Contributions made by Improvisers.

Returns:dates – A list of date ranges represented as strings
Return type:List[str]

Get the locations of Contributions made by Improvisers.

Returns:locations – A QuerySet of GeographicLocation objects
Return type:QuerySet

Gets all the Instruments used in this Section


Check if Section has no children but has parents


Check if Section has both children and parents


Check if Section has no parents but has children


Check if Section has no children and no parents


Gets all the languages of the Sources and Text Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Get the Persons that are contributed as Performers.

Returns:performers – A QuerySet of Person objects
Return type:QuerySet

Get the dates of Contributions made by Performers.

Returns:dates – A list of date ranges represented as strings
Return type:List[str]

Get the locations of Contributions made by Performers.

Returns:locations – A QuerySet of GeographicLocation objects
Return type:QuerySet

Gets all the Symbolic Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Gets the formats of all the Symbolic Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Gets all the Symbolic Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Gets the formats of all the Image Files related to this Work/Section/Part


Get the Persons that are contributed as Transcribers.

Returns:transcribers – A QuerySet of Person objects
Return type:QuerySet

Get the dates of Contributions made by Transcribers.

Returns:dates – A list of date ranges represented as strings
Return type:List[str]

Get the locations of Contributions made by Transcribers.

Returns:locations – A QuerySet of GeographicLocation objects
Return type:QuerySet

Gets all the Validators for files related to this Work/Section/Part

class database.models.Software(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.custom_base_model.CustomBaseModel

A Software that encoded, validated or extracted features from a file.


models.CharField – The name of this Software


models.CharField – The version of this Software


models.FileField – A file that describes how the Software was configured when performing an encoding, validation or feature extraction task.


models.ManyToOneRel – References to the instances that this Software was used as an Encoder


models.ManyToOneRel – References to the instances that this Software was used as a Validator


models.ManyToOneRel – References to the ExtractedFeatures extracted with this Software

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.

class database.models.Source(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.custom_base_model.CustomBaseModel

A document containing the music defining a MusicalWork or a set of Sections or a set of Parts.

Must be part of a CollectionOfSources. If a CollectionOfSources contains only one Source, the Source is trivial but still must exist, i.e., an CollectionOfSources without at least one Source cannot exist.

A Source can be derived from a parent Source, implying a chain of provenance.


models.CharField – A description of which portion of the CollectionOfSources this Source represents, for instance, page numbers or folio


models.ForeignKey – Reference to the CollectionOfSources this Source belongs to


models.ForeignKey – Reference to the Source this Source was derived from


models.ManyToOneRel – References to Sources derived from this Source

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.

class database.models.SourceInstantiation(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.custom_base_model.CustomBaseModel

An abstract entity defined by the music specified by a particular Source, which corresponds to a particular instantiation of all or part of a Musical Work, Sections or Parts.

Manifested by Audio, Symbolic, Text or Image files.


models.ForeignKey – Reference to the Source instantiated by this SourceInstantiation


models.ForeignKey – Reference to a MusicalWork defined in full by this SourceInstantiation


models.ManyToManyField – References to Sections defined in full by this SourceInstantiation


models.ManyToManyField – References to Parts defined in full by this SourceInstantiation


models.ManyToOneRel – References to AudioFiles that manifest this SourceInstantiation


models.ManyToOneRel – References to TextFiles that manifest this SourceInstantiation


models.ManyToOneRel – References to ImageFiles that manifest this SourceInstantiation


models.ManyToOneRel – References to SymbolicMusicFiles that manifest this SourceInstantiation

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.

class database.models.SymbolicMusicFile(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.file.File

A manifestation of a SourceInstantiation as an digital symbolic music file.

Manifests one and only one SourceInstantiation.

Generated by an Encoder and validated against a SourceInstantiation by a Validator.


models.CharField – The format of this SymbolicMusicFile


models.PositiveIntegerField – The size of the this SymbolicMusicFile in bytes


models.CharField – The version of the encoding schema of this SymbolicMusicFile


models.DateTimeField – The date this SymbolicMusicFile was encoded


models.ForeignKey – A reference to the Encoder of this SymbolicMusicFile


models.ForeignKey – A reference to the Validator of this SymbolicMusicFile


django.contrib.postgres.fields.JSONField – Any extra metadata associated with this SymbolicMusicFile


ForeignKey – The SourceInstantiation manifested by this SymbolicMusicFile


models.FileField – The path to the actual file stored on disk


models.ManyToManyRel – References to the ResearchCorpora that contain this SymbolicMusicFile


models.ManyToOneRel – References to the ExtractedFeatures of this SymbolicMusicFile


models.ManyToManyRel – References to the Instruments declared in this SymbolicMusicFile

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Return the certainty of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:The certainty of attribution of the MusicalWork related to this File
Return type:bool

Return the composers of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:A list of strings representing the names of the composers
Return type:list

Return the dates of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:A list of date tuples representing the date ranges of composition
Return type:list

Return the places of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:A QuerySet of GeographicAreas where the Musical Work related to this File was composed
Return type:QuerySet

Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.


Return the Genres (style) of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:The Genres (style) of the MusicalWork related to this File
Return type:QuerySet

Return the Genres (type) of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:The Genres (type) of the MusicalWork related to this File
Return type:QuerySet

Return all histograms (multi-dimensional features)


Return the Instruments of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:A QuerySet of all the Instruments of the MusicalWork related to this File
Return type:QuerySet

Return the MusicalWork the Source of this File is related to

Returns:The MusicalWork the Source of this File is related to
Return type:MusicalWork

Return all the one dimensional features of this file


Return the Parts manifested in full by the Source of this File

Returns:A QuerySet of all the Parts the Source of this File is related to
Return type:QuerySet

Return the _sacred_or_secular of the MusicalWork related to this file

Returns:The _sacred_or_secular of the MusicalWork related to this file
Return type:str

Return the Sections manifested in full by the Source of this File

Returns:A QuerySet of all the Sections the Source of this File is related to
Return type:QuerySet

Return the Source of this File

Returns:The Source of this File
Return type:Source
class database.models.TextFile(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.file.File

A manifestation of a SourceInstantiation as an digital text file.

Manifests one and only one SourceInstantiation.

Generated by an Encoder and validated against a SourceInstantiation by a Validator.


models.CharField – The format of this TextFile


models.PositiveIntegerField – The size of the this TextFile in bytes


models.CharField – The version of the encoding schema of this TextFile


models.DateTimeField – The date this TextFile was encoded


models.ForeignKey – A reference to the Encoder of this TextFile


models.ForeignKey – A reference to the Validator of this TextFile


django.contrib.postgres.fields.JSONField – Any extra metadata associated with this TextFile


models.ForeignKey – The SourceInstantiation manifested by this TextFile


models.FileField – The path to the actual file stored on disk

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Return the certainty of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:The certainty of attribution of the MusicalWork related to this File
Return type:bool

Return the composers of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:A list of strings representing the names of the composers
Return type:list

Return the dates of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:A list of date tuples representing the date ranges of composition
Return type:list

Return the places of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:A QuerySet of GeographicAreas where the Musical Work related to this File was composed
Return type:QuerySet

Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.


Return the Genres (style) of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:The Genres (style) of the MusicalWork related to this File
Return type:QuerySet

Return the Genres (type) of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:The Genres (type) of the MusicalWork related to this File
Return type:QuerySet

Return the Instruments of the MusicalWork related to this File

Returns:A QuerySet of all the Instruments of the MusicalWork related to this File
Return type:QuerySet

Return the MusicalWork the Source of this File is related to

Returns:The MusicalWork the Source of this File is related to
Return type:MusicalWork

Return the Parts manifested in full by the Source of this File

Returns:A QuerySet of all the Parts the Source of this File is related to
Return type:QuerySet

Return the _sacred_or_secular of the MusicalWork related to this file

Returns:The _sacred_or_secular of the MusicalWork related to this file
Return type:str

Return the Sections manifested in full by the Source of this File

Returns:A QuerySet of all the Sections the Source of this File is related to
Return type:QuerySet

Return the Source of this File

Returns:The Source of this File
Return type:Source
class database.models.Validator(*args, **kwargs)

Bases: database.models.encoder_validator_base_model.EncoderValidatorBaseModel

A User or Software that validated a file using a specific workflow.


models.TextField – A description of the workflow that was used to validate a File


models.FileField – A file that describes or defines the workflow that was used to validate or validate a File in the database


models.TextField – Any extra notes or remarks


models.ForeignKey – The User that validated a File


models.ForeignKey – The User that validated a File


models.ManyToOneRel – References to AudioFiles that were validated by this Validator


models.ManyToOneRel – References to TextFiles that were validated by this Validator


models.ManyToOneRel – References to ImageFiles that were validated by this Validator


models.ManyToOneRel – References to SymbolicMusicFiles that were validated by this Validator

get_absolute_url() → str

Get the absolute URL for an instance of a model.

classmethod get_fields_and_properties() → List[str]

List the public fields and properties of a model.

Returns:fields_and_properties – A list of strings representing the public fields and properties of this model.
Return type:List[str]
classmethod get_verbose_name_plural() → str

Get a human friendly plural name of a model.


Alias for the __str()__ method, useful for templates.